
Thursday, December 6, 2012

End of the Year Giveaway Warning!

Due to my meeting my goal of 1000 refractors (keep em coming, by the way!) I will be holding an end of the year contest similar to last years!  It should be big with 6-8 different winners!

So here is your warning:  Only people who have commented on my blog prior to the first giveaway post will be eligible.  I have compiled a list and there have been 120 unique commenters on this blog.  If you have been lurking or are not sure, now would be the time to comment!


  1. Do you mean ever, or this year? Either way, I guess I'm definitely good now :)

  2. Ever! If you have ever commented! And yes, you are definitely good now.

  3. Am I on the list? I can't remember... they say the memory is the second thing to go, I can't remember the first thing!!

  4. I love a good contest! Especially a celebration contest!

  5. I'm certain I made a comment or 4 during the draft.

  6. I've certainly been reading, but I don't know that I've commented. Well there ya go. Now I have.

  7. I would like to think that I have commented, but just in case...

  8. i have no idea since i don't comment much, but what do you do with 1000 refractors and how do you organize them? by year? team? sport? color? overall refractive sheen?

  9. For some reason I am guessing this giveaway will involve some unwanted refractors.

  10. I've been reading, don't remember if I have been commenting though.

  11. Kevin send me your address at padrographsatlivedotcom. I have some refractors for you

  12. i presume (hope?) this counts as a comment in time.

  13. I believe I have commented? If not, then I have definitely sent some refractory deliciousness your way.

  14. Chances are I've commented. If I haven't, shame on me!

  15. While aren't you generous! Love the contests. Thanks

  16. I know I've commented before, but I also forgot to e-mail you to tell you those Motivation Contest Winnings arrived a while back.

    Apologies for my forgetfulness and thanks for the cards!

  17. I do a lot of lurking, but usually some commenting, too.

    Can't wait to see the time machine you create with those 1000 refractors.

  18. I'm a great reader but awful commenter. Not sure if I've gotten on the board before.
