Tuesday, February 1, 2022

PWE Card Draft - Official Sign Up Post


Full up!  All spots have been filled!! 
Well, the response on my card draft proposal was very high.  Surprised me!  Thanks for all the feedback.

So this post will be the official sign up post.  Please read the plan and rules below carefully and if interested, sign up in the comments!

The Plan:
I will be letting a total of 8 drafters in this first draft.  If it goes well, then I will do another, hopefully if you don't make it in this one, there will be more!  So, 8 total drafters, including me, of course.  And that means I am looking for 7 more.

In order to make this as simple and easy as possible, I want to ask drafters to send cards in for the draft that YOU think would be interesting to other collectors in some way.  That does not mean that they need to be "valuable"!  Also, the newer the card, the better condition they should be in.  If you send a recent card, it should be more or less NM/MT, older cards could be in worse shape the older they are.

The idea here is to have fun.  Expectations that you are going to come out of this with a treasure trove are unrealistic.  That said, send the kinds of cards you would be glad to receive and that are appropriate for a PWE.  Nobody should send Jeter RCs or 1/1 cards.  Conversely, nobody should send a bunch of commons of lesser known players.  As Baseball was requested several times, I would like to ask that at least 7 of the 9 cards you will send be baseball.

I am planning on adding ~15-20 of my own cards (baseball only for these extras!) to the draft pool (including the 9 I put in as a drafter).  This is basically insurance that if a drafter shorts the rest of the group (like someone sending in all 87 Topps commons), that there are still enough draftable cards.  Honestly, I don't think that will be a problem, but I still plan on that to make everyone comfortable.  Remember, all you are "risking" is 9 cards you aren't emotionally tied to and a stamp.

**note:  Nobody will know which submissions came from which participant.  

The Rules:
1. Sign up in the comments below.  I will need a way to contact you, so if your email is not in your blogger profile, or we have not corresponded before, please email me after commenting.  The first 7 to sign up in the comments will be contacted.  You are not in until I contact you!!!

2. When I contact you, I will send you my mailing address, and at that point, you can send me your 9 card submission. This should be done in a PWE to keep costs down. I will be sending out everyone's selected cards in PWEs as well.

3. If I don't receive your cards within 2 weeks of my email contact to you, you will be dropped and we will draft with fewer players.  Please try to be prompt and get the cards to me fairly quickly, I would love to get this started as soon as we can.

4. Once I have all the cards, I will make a post with the randomized draft order.  This will be a snake order draft, meaning the last picker of a round will be the first picker of the next round.

If interested, go for it!!!!!

Accepted drafters (final):

1. The Diamond King

2. bbcardz

3. Matt

4. GTT

5. Night Owl

6. defgav

7. Elliptical Man

8. Nachos Grande


  1. Might be interested in participating in the future. Right now I'd be nervous about being the guy who forgets to send my cards within the window and gets dropped. Still trying to find some balance in my crazy schedule.

    That being said... this sounds so awesome. Like seriously... one of the coolest ideas in a long time. Very excited to see this draft. Have fun everyone!

  2. Really cool idea. I'm traveling a lot over the next three weeks and am going to pass out of fear of being slow and unavailable, but I like the idea a lot and wish you well.

  3. I shall participate. Here's hoping I'll be around when the draft happens.

  4. I'll do it.

    Hope you haven't moved, so I don't need to check my email. But I will if I have to.

    1. Nope, haven't moved, but the address is in the confirmation email I just sent. Confirmed!

  5. I'm in the same boat with Fuji...may participate next round. I'm concerned my submissions won't be up to snuff since expected cards would be ones I'm "emotionally tied to". I'll be following though!

  6. If be interested if there is still a seat!

  7. I missed my chance to be a part of this one, but I will follow the draft here on the blog, and hope to be a part of your next one. Have fun!

  8. awesome that it is full! i held off to give the folks that responded to your initial post floating the idea to enter. hopefully i will be able to participate in the future!

  9. Count me as another that would be up for a future one. If anyone backs out for any reason, email me and I will get in this one.

  10. Well nuts, I always miss the good stuff and I was waiting on this post :(
