Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bring on the fractors!

The Card Hobbyist has a great blog, if you aren't reading him get on over there!  Obviously, I'm not giving him props for no reason (though he deserves them), but because we recently finished up my first trade of 2012.  I send him a few Ascent of Man inserts and a couple Antrel Rolle relic cards.  He sent me these three refractors for my refractor search!
The Gwynn is going in my personal collection, so doesn't count toward my goal of 1000 refractors this year, but the other 2 count and are awesome!  The Jackson is my first Heritage Chrome refractor.  Thanks a ton Patrick!

1 comment:

  1. Any particular refractors you are looking for..specific years, sets, etc?

    Drop me a line, rmitchell6700 at yahoo dot com...
